Utilize search engine optimization tools and best practices to ensure your website shows up in online search results. Consider using online paid advertising to promote your website in search results and on other related websites.
Make it easy for customers to contact you.
Make your contact information clearly visible to prospective customers. Allow customers to select the method in which they prefer to contact you. Provide a toll free phone number, email and online web form for customers to choose from.
Utilize the upper right hand corner of your website for the most important information you want your customers to see. Current research proves the upper right hand corner of a website is the first place the human eye is naturally drawn to.
You wouldn’t leave a potential client without asking for contact information to follow up and close the sale. So why would you let your customers leave your website without doing the same? Add a “sign up” or “subscription” form to your website asking visitors for their name and email address. In exchange for this information, you may offer something of value, such as a monthly newsletter, a whitepaper, a complementary service, etc. That way, you can follow up with customers at any time and have already initiated an open dialogue.
A recent report published by Adobe states that 79% of smartphone users use their device for reading email, a higher percentage than those who use it for making calls. Adobe “2013 Digital Publishing Report: Retail Apps & Buying Habits” (2013). Studies like this show an increasing number of customers now view online information from a mobile device. If your website and online communications are not mobile friendly, you could be missing out on over half of your potential customer base! Make your website mobile friendly using a responsive website design. Most website vendors and webmasters today are proficient in mobile-friendly site design. For email marketing, use single column templates and keep fonts larger than size 11.
All information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only. The sources used are presumed accurate. CalSurance Associates, Brown & Brown Program Insurance Services, Inc. and Brown & Brown, Inc. will not be liable for any errors, omissions, losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use and will not assume responsibility for any misguided information. No guarantees are implied.