CalSurance Associates Blog

CalSurance Associates Blog

Monday, August 11, 2014

Ensure Funds Are Invested as Requested

Registered Representatives can help themselves avoid loss and reduce exposures using a few simple tips. Try using the below loss prevention tip to improve your risk management strategy:
Claim Scenario: The client instructed the registered representative to buy $20,000 of a certain stock. One month later, the client called the registered representative to sell the stock. At that time, the registered representative realized he never executed the original buy order.

Estimated Claim Cost: $11,000

Loss Prevention Tip: Periodically check the client’s account to ensure the funds were invested as requested. Had the registered representative heeded this advice, he would have realized much earlier that the requested buy was never executed and could have mitigated his client’s losses. Additionally, having a specific procedure in place for all trade requests can help reduce the chance of these types of errors. In this instance, the request was made in an email to the registered representative as part of a conversation regarding a different topic. Had the request been through a specific procedure for trade orders, the error likely would not have occurred. 

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